Here, have a wordtail
Shaken, not stirred, of course.
Yes, a book was harmed for this photo and harmed most grievously too. In fact it was partially shredded.
But I doubt anyone will be too upset when I say it was my review copy of House of Hilton, aka, House of Whores and People Who Get Drunk With Ducks and it was taking up valuable bookshelfage. It was one of those books that you would have a use for if you happened to be shipwrecked and it happened to wash up on your desert island. After sufficient drying over a palm tree, you could use it as kindling for a signal fire. Holy Ford, you didn't think I meant you should read it, did you?
Anyway, keep an eye out for a new look soon. Customising Blogger templates defeats me, aside from adding the odd link and a Shakespearean Insulter here and there. Miss Chesty has come to our rescue from the miserable bluey-green template we have now with the offer of something a bit more funky.
I'm also going to declare a moratorium on new team members, if that's OK with everyone. We've either hit 30 or are very close to it and 30 seems like the magic number. Non-team members can still join in in the comments - they just won't go on the extra-long list for choosing a book.
Very excited about this book - picking up my copy tomorrow.
what, House of Hilton? ;) I haven't started Mister Pip yet, but I'm liking the look of the cover...
The cover for Mister Pip is lovely. I'll start reading it once I get up to Kanpi for my desert retreat.
Also, following from some off topic comments at the Apple Barrel, can we ban Bryce Coutenay from the paper drunkards? I'm assuming that no one involved would want to nominate 'The Potato Farmer' (was that even its name?), but I'd like it to be guaranteed.
I second that, nai!
Oh God yes! I'll third that. If Bryce Courtney were burning in the gutter... well, you know the expression. I read The Potato Factory and it was unmitigated bollocks.
Any other suggestions for the banned list?
Absolutely support ban on Bryce Courtney.
Oooh yes Nai - Bryce Courtney is the retarded half-brother that even Jeffrey Archer won't talk about!
Oh. Er, sorry Red Cap, forgot to answer your question. I'd like to add Jeffrey Fart-cher to the list with Bryce Courtney, and:
* Peter Carey
* Peter Fitzsimmons' biographies
* Roger McDonald's 'the Ballad of Desmond Kale' (wins first prize in successfully making a fascinating story into something I'd want to remove with a baby wipe);
* Da Vinci code anything by Dan Brown - about as page-turning as an anvil;
* Nikki Gemmell's 'The Bride Stripped Bare' - perhaps it might have worked for me if I shared the same universe as she did;
* Gabriel Masquez's 'Love in the Time of Cholera' - my love for John Cusack made me read this book and he OWES me one!
and *none of those poxy Alexander McCall Smith series - NONE of them!
I'll go and have a cup of scotch and a lie down now
milly, Peter Fitzsimons is, as my old boss used to say, a national disgrace. Dan Brown - I hope should go without saying. When The Da Vinci Code first came out, I read a review that said the prose was "lumpen" and I decided then and there not to allow it in the house in case it proved catching. Nicki Gemmell is possibly Australia's most over-rated youngish writer. A pox on her! I can deal with Peter Carey in small doses, but would rather Robert Drewe. But I have to admit to having a liking for Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I'm sorry. I can't help it!
'The Bride Stripped Bare' - I was absolutely going to suggest this. Talk about over-rated NAFF (sorry, Miss Author - but publishing it under 'annoymous' certainly helped your cause)
I haven't read one Dan Brown. I feel very proud about that.
White Noise (!) and... (drum roll, please) Ulysses. There endeth my coup de grâce.
rosanna, I think secretly we might be sisters. Death to Ulysses! What over-rated bollocks!
To be honest I'm not too worried about what anybody else picks. My literary view is quite limited at the moment. I joined this club to broaden my literary horizons. I will try to read what is chosen. But if I can't finish it because it sucks, I will still give an honest review.
I think by limiting the Authors of choice you are limiting the different contributors.
Fair call, phishez. But Bryce Courteney...
I haven't read alot of his work. So can't comment on it.
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